Thursday, October 1, 2009

upcycling -baby pants-

I had this sweater dress that my mother gave me a few years ago.
never really worn it because it was shrunk and turned into a weired shape.
I have been wanting to make something out of it for a long time
since it is a really nice thick felt.

finally, I decided to make little L a pair of pants.

a warm pair of pants for the winter.

I used one of her pants as a base pattern.
all baby pants seem to be short when they are worn over a diaper.

always half of her calves and ankles are exposed.
so I made these ones extra long.
this way, her legs will never be cold.
then I put a bear button on the front.

I also made her a pair of gloves with the left over felt.

the gloves are hand stitched.
they seem to fit juuuuuuust right on her hands.

they won't fit her next year...
but, good enough to keep her hands warm for this winter!


comments are ALWAYS welcome :)