Tuesday, January 25, 2011

patternmaking class: week 1

last week I started on the patternmaking class at Portland Sewing.
I had been looking forward to it since I registered to the class around the christmas.

I met my classmates and teacher in the first class.
some are already in the apparel/fashion industry,
and some are beginner/intermediate sewer like myself.
regardless of the difference in skills/levels, I was super excited to be in the class and meeting the people.
it's good to be in the environment that makes you motivated and inspired :) 

in the last class, we paired up, took some measurements, and started work on bodice moulage.
and we will be continue working on drafting it this week, I think. 

I also met someone whom I had been following online(blog) of.
she is also taking the class and she is the one who recommended me about Portland Sewing.
it was kinda weired( in a good way) and a bit awkward for me to meet someone virtual in 3D.
it's like meeting a mini-celebrity of your own world-I know you (somewhat) well, but you don't know me.
and it is probably weired for them to be known by a stranger, 
and asked "aren't you from xxxx?  I read your blog!".

anyhow, it was and is still cool and fun to meet her in a real life!
and maybe I get to know her a bit better, separate from the online world.

a bit off topic,,,
but I will keep updating on my class!

Monday, January 3, 2011

japanese souvenir

it's kinda late for this, but still wanted to upload all the goddies I brought back from Japan this time.

 I got all of them on sale.
unicorn one is a gift for my friend.

 sewing notions
the bigger one is for ironing.
you put it in between folded fabric, and it helps to keep the hem allowance even(same length).
small one is for adding sewing allowance. 
when you are tracing an existing pattern, it comes handy.
especially the ones from Japanese sewing books, they don't have the sewing allowance included, 
which is very inconvenient!

sewing & embroidery books
the left one is called "She Has a Mannish Style" (気分はマニッシュ)
The right one is called "Wappen" (Uiの刺繍ワッペン)

 I had been wanting to learn embroidery.
so this one is perfect!

there were so many cool Japanese sewing/crafting magazines/books over there 
and it was so hard to choose a couple from so many,
but these caught my interest the most.

 mt(masking tape) and stamps

 these are so much more expensive to buy (via etsy or ebay) over here,
I had to replenish my supply...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

new years resolutions vol.2011

goodbye the year of 2010.
and hello brand new 2011!

the whole year flew by, yet another one started.
the last year was a new start of our life in Portland, Oregon.
we're loving it and enjoying the life here so far, yet there is so much more to explore in and around the city!

I still need to keep working on my last year's new years resolution,
I have many more for this year!

here goes the list.
-go on Candida cleanse/diet-
although this year's christmas was much better than the past years, and we did not overeat and did not eat much sweets and baked goods, I decided to give it a try.  even if I don't have any dietary sensitivities and we eat pretty well, I think it will be very beneficial for my body.  I just ordered a book called 'Body Ecology Diet' through library.  it was recommended by my husband who is also known as food Natzi.  can't wait to read it and give it a go. 

-learn to bake non-yeasted bread-
I had been wanting to try baking a non-yeasted bread for a while now.  we buy good organic natural leaven bread from Wholefoods, but it would be awesome to bake our own at home.  I'd probably get a starter somewhere, and try that first to see how it goes.  does anyone know a good source for a bread starter?? 

-start a recipe book-
over the last few years, I have been collecting some cooking recipes, and more recently really good gluten-free(and some are also sugar-free) baking recipes from one of hubby's sisters.  they are all over my notebook, unorganized...  it would be nice if they are all neatly written and in order.

-print photos from computer-
it is as bad as the recipe deal,,, well it's worse actually...
all of our great memories are on a hard drive, and almost all of them have never been developed as photo...  I would like to get the good ones printed and have real photo albums.  especially the pictures of our little daughter since birth.

 -knit a sweater-
I have been knitting quite intensively lately as I freaked out about making christmas gifts to people(as always). made some hats and cowls(hope to do a post on this).  I like quick projects that I can get it done in a couple days, but if it is a "real" knitting project, it intimidates me and make me feel almost anxious... plus, I am not sure if I have that kind of patience.  I may developed more patience and my knitting-speed might be a little faster.  hm,,, maybe it's time to try knitting a sweater(or cardigan)! 

-keep the sewing room(aka closet) nice and tidy-
oh why is this so hard?!  I tend to leave my (so called) creative mess in the middle of a project or in between projects, especially because I don't have a chunk of time to finish it up in one session.  but clean organized work space definitely make the performance much better/faster.  so, yes,,, I should keep that in mind. 

-be able to draft my own patterns-
I am very excited for this patternmaking class that I am going to take at Porland Sewing!  I worked out a child care deal with one of the neighbor mamas, and was able to register for it.  I had been wanting to take a class on patternmaking forever, and this is such a treat for me!  it will be nice to have an official "me-time", and take a time apart from my child(and it is good for her as well).

so these are very few of my new years resolutions for 2011, but plenty to keep me busy for sure!

wish you the best luck and happiness for 2011 :)
