Friday, January 29, 2010

anniversary day

today is our 4th anniversary!
wow, I can't believe it's been four years already since we got married!!!

this is a picture of roses I got on the day we tied the knot.

the bouquet was from our friends who witnessed us signing the marriage papers.
not from my hubby! lol

and this is my wedding ring that I finally got about two years ago.
we were ring-less until then.
we got the rings from PRIZE.
I forgot the name of the artist who made the ring...
it is a very thin gold ring that has willow buds motifs.
I like thin skinny rings. they are very feminine.
my husband had the same ring,
but it was too 'feminine' that it couldn't handle all the 'abuses' from being on a carpenter's finger.
it got caught on thing and stretched, then it broke!
sad... :(

he won't be back home until later in the evening today.
it's rare, but he's working this friday...
maybe we'll do something fun tomorrow!

have a lovely weekend, everyone :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

polaroid photos

I've purchased a polaroid camera at a local thrift store a few weeks ago.
the lady at the store told me it was pretty much brand new, and it was $3.
so, I thought, 'oh what a heck, get it and give it a try.'
next day, I went looking for the films for it.
and the woman there told me they stopped making the films like two years ago!
I also went online looking for the films, but oh my! they are expensive!!
I mean, waaaaayyyyy more than the price I payed for the camera.

I had been wondering ever since,
"how are those polaroid photos I see very often on the web(fashion blogs and such) made??"

Satomi had the answer for my question :)

oh, yes! of course, everything has a softwear in this modern high-tech world!!
she used this program, but for some reason I couldn't download the sample... :(
I am very cheap when it comes to things like this, so I am kind of hesitant to pay $10 to get the softwear.
I think there is something wrong with the setting of my computer, but what if it doesn't work on this?!

so, again I went to the world with all the answers, called google, searching for 'polaroid',
and found this one.

here are a couple photos I tried.

how to use it is pretty easy and simple.
image of a polaroid camera shows up when you start the program,
then all you have to do is to drag an image on to the camera.
it's kinda cute and fun. it even makes the noise of the camera.
but the down side is you can't really control/edit how you'd like it to look...

now, I am curious,,,
have any of you used a polaroid program? what do you use??
is any of the free ones good??

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

no more sleeping on the floor!

last weekend, my husband suddenly decided to make a bad frame.
well, finally...
we've been sleeping on the floor(Japanese style, I guess) for... over a year....

he left to the shop saturday afternoon, saying he would be done in a few hours.
of course, things always take longer than what you expected/estimated.
he didn't get too far that day, and next morning he went working again.
came back home 1:30AM that night with all the parts.
and next morning, we assembled the bed.

this is our new bed :)
it is his own design!
no nails/screws are visible.

he's planning on making drawers underneath the bed.
but we'll see when that's going to happen.
maybe in six months, or a year or two...

thanks, babe!!
having a carpenter(well, timberframer, so he prefers to be called.) as husband is definitely handy and awesome :) :) :)
if you'd like him to design/built you a bed(or anything!),
please contact me:)


here are some of the thing I thrifted last week and this week...

poppie mugs -25c each
I have a thing with poppies.
and they were from Japan :)

new leopard socks -50c

I love animal prints, but don't quit have guts to try anything crazy...
I think I can give it a try with these lovely purple socks :)

obviously this is not everything,,,,
I got lots of fabric for making things!
I am hoping to work on making dresses out of them.
will make a post soon :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

rose barrettes

it's kinda early,
but is anyone getting ready for Valentines day?

we don't usually do much because my husband doesn't agree with the whole concept.
he says it is just commercialized holiday/event(well not even a holiday)
that is set up to consume more money and things...
he also thinks it doesn't have to be only one day to celebrate being in love.

well, there is a truth to that, I agree.

but it is still nice to do something sweet and romantic,
and celebrate the love you have to the people in your life.

I just saw these cute barrettes and the how-to on the purl bee.
I might have to make myself and little L some!
they are so adorable :)

before thinking about Valentine's day,
our 4th anniversary is coming up this week!
wow!! can't believe it's already been four years since we got married!!
I don't think we'll do anything fancy.
go out for dinner,
and maybe a surprise gift...?
something I can whip it up quickly??
any suggestions????

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

milano girls

Milano girls tend to catch my eyes on the Sartorialist.

her knitted items make me feel warm and cosy by just looking at them!

her sizing is just so perfect!
I want that jacket...

Monday, January 18, 2010

this is it!

okay, I've decided
this is the last package of coffee!

I am going to switch to MATE after finishing it.

I had never been a big coffee drinker until I went to a collage.
I had one cup of coffee every morning, then maybe one or two more in the afternoon.
ever since then, I had a cup here and there, and I went cold turkey when I got pregnant.
about six months ago, got back to the habit of having a cup of coffee in the morning.
well, decaf coffee.
I don't really know why.
obviously I don't need it.

so, last night I told my hubby, who doesn't drink coffee at all, that
I was going to quit having coffee at home!

matte is so much better for you anyway.
here are some facts about matte:
it is high in amino acids and vitamins, also in antioxidants.
it has much less caffeine(about 1/3 of coffee).
and less acidic than coffee.

I am saying goodbye to coffee breath, headaches and upset stomach!

Friday, January 15, 2010

70's vintage dress

I am so excited!

I won bidding on this dress on ebay.

well,,, to be exact... there was nobody else bidding!
lucky me :)!!

they have much more great vintage items, please take a minute to check them out!

P.S. have a happy weekend♥

Thursday, January 14, 2010

manifestation board + mini bunting

last weekend, we bought a cork board to pin stuff up.
things we want to manifest! -both material and non-material things.

we call this a "manifestation board".
we didn't like its office-like look,
so I stained the frame white and made the mini bunting just to make it cuter!

have you watched a movie called Secret?
when we watched it a couple years back, I thought it was pretty lame.
(don't get me wrong, a lot of people thought it was great. but I didn't)
it was supposedly about the most powerful law - the power to create the reality we want.
but all the examples they gave in the movie were all about 'money' and 'sex'.
well, nothing wrong with that, and I know these things attract people.
but (I thought) it was really lame how it was done...
they could have done differently in more creative ways.

anyhow, back to the topic....

it still is a good thing to set your (short and long term) goals, right?
and a great idea to write those down or draw a picture or take a photo of those things you want(to accomplish) if possible.
and if you always see those goals right in front of your eyes,
I think it will give ourselves a good confirmation unknowingly.
'yes, anything is possible!'

I am also pretty much a visual person.
so it should help with visualizing things I'd like to have in my life.

well, whether if it is going to help us creating the reality we want or not,
I think it's going to be fun!

I'll make a post every once in a while for a sneak preview of the board :P

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

organizing printout patterns

I have collected a quite few patterns from Burdastyle, Fitzpatterns, and various other online sewing/pattern sites for the past couple years.

I have been putting them into so called a banker's box.
it is a box with hanging folders.

I fold printed-out patterns and put into a hanging folder.

it still was not organized enough - they didn't have name tags!
every time I went looking for a certain pattern, I had too look through the whole box,
which took me some time and was confusing.

so, this is the first(sort of) project to get my craft/sewing space organized!

last night, after little L(my daughter) went to bed, I finally got around to do this.
tagging each pattern folders !

I had so much fun stamping, too :)!!

how do you organize your pattern, I am curious?
is there any better way to organize the patterns??

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

addicted to...


I went to a few thrift stores last week, just to brows things.
and scored on a few items like Canadian made tin cans and vintage looking plates(sorry no photos!).

now it appears I am addicted to thrift shopping.
I just can't stay away from the thrift stores!

today, on my way to home from running some errands,
I stopped by a couple thrift stores, and got these!

fabric rocking horse toy for little L(my daughter) -$1

stripy bears for little L -$1 for two
I just couldn't to say no to his charming face :)

brown leather shoulder bags for myself :) -$2 and $5
a girl can never own too many bags/purses!
now I can't wait for little L to graduate from diapers,
so that I can use a small bag or purse again!!
awgh! it's a long way to go!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

bangs dilemma

I've cut my bangs a few months ago at the beginning of the winter.
it had been like SIX years since the last time I had short bangs.
I wanted to spice up my hairstyle a bit without going through a dramatic change like chopping my long hair short or dying...

it was fun for a while, but now my bangs are in-between lengths.
-the most annoying length, just below my eyes-
and it's been very hard to handle...

my plan was to grow it out again by the summer
because I can't handle having my bangs down in the hot days.
it feels extra hot when the bangs are down, and that really bugs me!(I melt in the heat...)

so, that was the plan until I saw this girl...
this girl with cute bangs are giving me the nudge to cut my bangs short again!

{{I am in a huge dilemma}}

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I love jeans dearly♥
everything goes well with a pair of jeans,
you can dress up or down with jeans,
and the most importantly, they are super practical!(in my life with one year old, practicality comes first!!)
but I get tired of them sometimes...
don't you?
I am ready for something new for my bottoms!


for some reason, the word 'trousers' makes me think of old men's pants...
but those above in the pics are so stylish and chic!
and they are perfect replacements for jeans!!

I think I am going to make one sometime soon with this pattern(of course it is in Portugees!)!!
in maybe gray, black, or navy??

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

cupecake sweetness!

we all probably had enough(well,,, more than enough) sweets over the holidays.

but I couldn't resist making a post on these cupcakes!

I can't remember how I stumble across this cupcake blog,
but it is full of cute, delicious cupcakes(and their recipes!! yipeee!!) :)

I mean,,, how could you say no to them?

I might have to pick and try a recipe once my tummy is fully recovered from the holiday overindulgence.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

girl crush on short hair girls

I've just finished watching a movie, called An Education.
I have been wanting to watch it for a quite some time after seeing so many write-ups here and there on magazines and blogs.
another reason why I wanted to watch the movie was because I also had a little bit of girl crash on Carey Mulligan, too.
she is just too cute and looked lovely in those dresses.

now her hair is short, and she looks great with the haircut.


I also love how Michelle Williams pulls off the short hair too.


I guess they look alike a little bit.
they both have such a pretty baby face!

I wish I looked good in it...
I cut my hair really short(like an inch long!!) one time when I was in high school,
but I did not like it AT ALL.
I looked like a little monkey... Xl
and of course it took forever to grow it back longer, which is the worst part if you don't like your new hairdo...
so, having had the experience, I don't think I will ever cut my hair short again. NEVER!

the winner is...

so, this is what I did to chose one lucky winner for the giveaway.

I used to play a lot with this kind of draw when I was little :)

drew 10 lines, one for each participants, then add some horizontal lines to mix it up.

now you don't know which number is going where!
went to RANDOM.ORG to pick a random number.
and the lucky number is two!

now the fun part starts!

here we go!!

then one very lucky winner has been chosen!

congratulations, redhedgingerbread!!

sorry for the people who didn't win,
but I am planning on continue doing much more giveaways in the coming future.
so please come back for them!

well, hope everyone enjoyed this giveaway :)

P.S. redhedgingerbread has an awesome blog and Etsy shop.
please go take a peek :)